We Are EPIC!


Jacob, after having received his father’s instruction and blessing, embarks on a journey fleeing from his brother Esau whom he learned desires to kill him.

On his way to Haran he stops to rest and has a dream as recorded in Genesis 28:10-22 in which he sees a ladder or stairway reaching from earth to heaven. He sees angels of God ascending and descending, with the Lord standing above the stairway proclaiming to Jacob who He is, and what He promises to do for him.

When Jacob awakes, he says: “Surely the Lord is in this place and I was not aware of it. How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven.” The next morning he calls the place – Bethel, meaning house of God.

Can you imagine what this dream did for Jacob’s faith and confidence in his time of anxiety?

It’s a powerful revelation Jacob receives – that God was with him even in his time of fear, as he was on the run from Esau’s murderous intentions.

It’s interesting that in the dream the angels are first ascending to God in heaven before descending back down to earth.

That means they were already just waiting for him to get there.
Isn’t it amazing how God has given us such an elevated place of partnership with Him as we are called to be involved with His plans and purpose in the earth?

Our destinies are so important and strategically linked to God’s plan for each generation that they actually include an open heaven gateway for angelic intervention. They are watching over our lives and destinies and ascending to heaven for instructions, and descending back down with answers and strategies.

Father – open our eyes to see this incredible invisible gateway to heaven, and the multitudes of angels ready to go into action on our behalf. Thank you for your word that is life and spirit, and for your rhema word that causes faith to come. In Jesus name!

Axel Sippach

As a disciple of Jesus Christ, God has called you to be a “salt and light” influencer in the kingdoms of this world – the 7 MOUNTAINS by being wise as a serpent yet innocent as a dove.

He has called you to reign as “KINGS” in this life through your new creation identity as righteous sons and daughters qualifying you to become vice-regents of the King of Kings, authorizing you to take territory for Him.

He has called you to OCCUPY BABYLON with “mustard seed faith” and let your light so shine that darkness cannot comprehend it. He has called you to be at least 10X BETTER than any counterfeit illegitmate spiritual activity operating in your sphere of influence.

And to do that, the same “spirit of excellence” that was found in Daniel making him “EXTRAORDINARY” must be found in you. In fact it is. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is in you – the Holy Spirt – the Spirit of Christ – a TREASURY of wisdom and knowledge.

Whatever mountain God has called you to scale and have influence over, He has given you the INTERNAL RESOURCES by His Spirit necessary to do so. You must just discover them and by faith see them activated to accomplish GREAT EXPLOITS.

As Obadiah has prophesied – you are a deliverer come from Mt. Zion to take over and rule the mountains of Esau WHICH WILL BECOME the Mountain of the Lord’s.

Somebody needs to shout like Caleb did to Joshua at 80 years old: “Give me my mountain!!” I’m as strong now as I was at 40. I’m going to take that mountain and vacate every “ite” giant from it. It’s my inheritance.

Yes – the mountains – the kingdoms of the world – the nations – they are your inheritance in Christ.

Jesus said – All authority has been given unto me in heaven and earth – now go into all the world – into the 7 mountains – and proclaim the Good News that nations are now my inheritance the Father has given me – so whosoever will – let him come into My Kingdom!!!

The 7 mountain template is the greatest apostolic strategy for spiritual warfare the Lord is downloading to us, and the result will be releasing the GLORY that is locked up in those mountains – of which the greatest glory is the harvest of nations – a harvest of sons and daughters for our Father in heaven.

“Then this Daniel became distinguished above all the other high officials and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him. And the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.” Daniel 6:3

– Axel Sippach