Epic Global Network Our journey Apostle Axel Sippach, Founder & Visionary
I want to invite you to join us on an exciting journey of a lifetime – an “EPIC” apostolic adventure – a quest to search out and discover what is next on the horizon for the Kingdom of God and what the trajectory of the Kingdom is in this season. Where are we headed? And how do we get there?
God for the past 2000 years has moved in times and seasons of revival, reformation and restoration to upgrade His church through biblical “present truth” and the through revelation of the Holy Spirit bringing major deliverance from the cumulative effects of tradition and religion that always seeks to make ineffective the Word of God in order handicapping the ekklesia from powerfully carrying out its mission to advance the Kingdom in the earth.
There is always an awkward transition season to pass through as the church moves toward the “new thing” God is about to do. He will begin to awaken a remnant of “new breed” leaders that have been in places of preparation to lead the way for the “next big thing” on His agenda. He said in Isaiah “Behold I do a new thing – do you not perceive it?” He is saying – can’t you see it? You have to see it to begin to walk in it. There is a holy dissatisfaction arising in a remnant in the ekklesia – the body of Christ. A cry from the heart that says, There must be more! And God will always raise up deliverers – apostolic and prophetic leaders that He has had in preparation for the new season. He will reveal patterns and blueprints for “new wineskin” structures that will be able to contain the “new wine” of what He is pouring out. And He will gather like-minded individuals who are hearing the sound – the sound of His voice from heaven to gather into a tribe ready to move in unity as a new movement is being birthed in the earth.
EPIC Global Network – E7 – we believe is such a movement. We don’t claim to have all the answers – but we do claim to have an intimate relationship with the One who does. EPIC is a multi-dimensional, multi-generational, and multi-cultural network and movement of “new breed” leaders with a new mentality in pursuit of all God has for us in this generation. We are coming from various backgrounds, different denominational and church experiences and distinctives, and from different nations. But we are all in pursuit of the Living God and His plans and purpose for this generation – to discover how powerfully God desires to use His people and the “ekklesia” to advance His Kingdom into the 7 mountains of influence and culture.
Our global footprint of influence as a movement and a network had been growing since we launched August 28, 2015. If something is already stirring in your spirit, then perhaps the Holy Spirit is witnessing to you that you are tracking accurately. Seek the Lord and pray about it. I want to encourage you to check out our website here along with our Facebook pages. God will let you know if EPIC is right for you – if it’s a place where you can grow as a leader and discover and develop more and more aspects of your calling and ministry, as you find and take your place of destiny in God’s epic story. Send us an email or inbox if you have any questions or for more information on how to connect.
I’ve been in international apostolic ministry now for over 40 years, having ministered in 100 countries and traveling more than 10 million miles around the planet. Somebody might ask, but Apostle Axel, isn’t it is time to retire
Already? No – not at all. Just time to refire and pour my life into a new generation of sons and daughters – of anointed leaders that will shake cities and nations bringing transformation through the Good News of the Kingdom of God, and through the extravagant love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Join us on this incredible EPIC journey. It’s going to be amazing!!
Email: epicglobalnetwork@gmail.com
Facebook Public: facebook.com/ApostleAxel/
Facebook Personal: facebook.com/ApostleAxel.Sippac/

Standing atop the high places of influence
Many people upon hearing this term for the first time are asking the question: What is the 7 Mountain mandate? Scripture is replete with references concerning mountains in both the New and Old Testaments. Certain mountains were places of encounter where God met with those he had chosen, such as Moses and Mt. Sinai and...
Here is what people are saying about EPIC’s founder Apostle Axel Sippach….
We love and appreciate you so much! We are truly blessed by your wisdom, your humility and your Love! I thank you so much for your wisdom and guidance. We wouldn’t be where we are without you! You are such a rare gift to the world! I have NO idea how you have managed to stay so relevant! You ROCK in a major way and I’m so grateful God saw fit to bring you into our lives! Thank you, Apostle Dad, for pushing your girl into the place she’s called to be! I honor you!
Tara LeShawn Crawford

Wow, what can I say about this Apostolic world changer!!! A true Apostolic father, Apostolic ambassador, Apostolic disrupter, Apostolic innovator, Apostolic theologian, Apostolic Genius!!
Emmanuel Allen

It's just been 2 years since we met but I feel like I have known you for many years. I have learnt and imparted so much from you. How blessed I am to be connected with such a great grace upon you sir! I feel so honored and privileged to know you, learn from you and minister with you. I don't take it lightly sir. I know I have a great future because the Lord connected me to someone with an ocean of wisdom and so many years of ministry experience traveling the world. My wife and I love and honor you greatly sir!
Jacob Jared

Thank you Dad for your unconditional love, care, support, guidance, direction, mentoring, impartation and your fatherly covering over my life. We have pioneered 24 churches and ministries and are supporting 32 ministries in 12 nations. Learning from your journey of a basket full of experiences and adventures, inspirational thoughts and divine revelations, passion to serve, tenacity in the Spirit, purpose and destiny towards building and advancing the Kingdom of God to the nations, has elevated, matured, and drawn us closer to the Father’s heart. You taught us to see things with a right perspective, clarity and divine understanding. Your Father’s heart, multi-talents, drive and continuous fire ignites us to press on till the end. Your push in our lives has always helped us to stay on course towards fulfilling God’s calling, assignments and mission.
Melvyn David

When I first met Apostle Axel Sippach in East London, I kept looking at him with a corner of my eye just in admiration of the presence he carried. I remember calling my husband after the meeting and said to him I saw a man who looks like Jesus. When I ministered the following day, that was ten years ago, he said to me "Young girl you are so anointed and I will make sure you will be one of our Guest Speakers in Chicago ." I had never been to America before and I thought there goes another excitement of the moment but never to be followed through. When I went back to Zimbabwe I did not tell anyone because I knew there is no way I could be a Guest Speaker of such a huge conference in Chicago just after a one night preaching. I was not ready to be laughed at by the people around me. To my surprise after one month I received an email from him stating how he was serious and needed all my details so that the Visa process begins. He spoke to my husband and everything began to flow. To cut the story short, this short African girl landed in Chicago in June 2013, and the rest is history!!!!!! My tears running down my face as I write. Thank you Apostle Sippach for the doors you opened for me. Thank you for keeping your word. Thank you for showing me kindness. I LOVE YOU!
Grace Kapswara

I had an amazing moment with Apostle Axel Sippach. An Apostle that impacts many lives, burdened for this country (Ethiopia) for about 37 years, traveling 95 countries and 14 million kilometers around the world just serving the kingdom of God, planting churches with such mighty grace and calling. Thank you, Apostle, for your time and the wisdom that you share me. It is priceless! God bless you!
Kidus Tekalign

What can I say about this amazing man of God. Truly he has inspired me to keep running and to finish STRONG in the LORD! He is such a blessing to the body of Christ and a great General in the Kingdom! It’s been a honor and a pleasure knowing you Apostle. Love you my friend!
Johnna Nico

I first met this amazing pioneer and trailblazer of apostolic ministry, Apostle Axel Sippach in 2005, while I would spend some time in Chicago around that time with many well-known apostolic voices gleaning and being sharpened for a new day. His fire and passion to see reformation and the world engulfed in fire has not changed... He came into my wife’s and myself lives at a very pivotal and hurting time in the beginning of the pandemic with wisdom and strength... In 3 years, the impact in our lives has been evident, tangible and very fruitful. He is cool, powerful, innovative, smart, learned, wise, a futuristic leader and a general and FATHER! Love You Pop!
Dion Nesmith

One of the most influential men in my life, my spiritual pops Apostle Axel Sippach! I have no clue where I would be in my life without this man. For a grown man, who did not even know me... to just pour into me... a struggling 25-year-old for yearrsssss .... he literally helped me out of my cave to where I am today. You are an inspiration to me and my family.
Johnny Ova

Today, I wish to honour the grace of God upon your life. We are truly blessed, being partakers of your years of sacrifices and ministry travels, years of altar building, years of acquired wisdom and understanding. We have been granted unmerited grace through your life and we will forever be thankful. Our encounter with you almost 3 years ago changed our lives and ministry forever. May you live long to see the fullness of you labour. We love and Appreciate you pops!
Ange and Tchitchi Bula

There are those that are great spiritual fathers or mothers, but they don't have what the rest have, they don't have all the accolades and great platforms. But they have timeless wisdom, experience and history with God that we need as a younger generation. Then you have those that have all the great ministry platforms but really don't have a father’s heart. You can hardly receive any wisdom. You cannot father without relationship. The kingdom is about relationships. To me sonship doesn't begin with where you are taken but rather who you become. I am grateful for a man that is my spiritual father, Apostle Axel Sippach, that can direct and set me right on the track of what ministry is like. He doesn't just have timeless wisdom but a heart for a younger generation. He doesn't exalt himself, but yet he has graced with true biblical apostolic ministry beyond the four walls of the church. Stepped where very few stepped. A ministry that has impacted over 90 nations. I honour him not for what he has, or even where he has been. Or what he has built over the years and even accomplished. I honour him for who he is as a person. A father that can look beyond your short comings and see the you, you are meant to be. He pushes me to be better, he prays for and encourages me. Spiritual fathers are there to bring clarity to what you carry. They open doors, they break dimensions open. I honour such a man of God, a father to me – who can see what others don’t see in me. Apostle Axel Sippach a true general of the faith. God bless you dad.
Meredith Joel Cameron

If there is a day to remember for the rest of my life and ministry it is yesterday, 22 September 2019. Indeed it came with a great honour to me, humbling moments indeed for #My_Spiritual_Leader, #Spiritual_Father, #My_Apostolic_Father, #My_Mentor and #My_Influencer. The Man that Encourages Me, he decided to come all the way from United States of America (USA) to South African (RSA) and to also affirm a young man like me to such a Great Honourable Office of the Apostles. It’s an honour to submit under such a Global Apostolic Father who travelled almost over 94 countries to date and over 9million miles all over the world doing the Apostolic work, discipling nations of the world and establishing The Present Truth across generations. Am honoured to have for past years till now and going forward submitting under such Greatly Graced Apostle, and I don’t regret any day of being under his leadership. It’s rare in this season to see fathers affirm their sons (especially this young breed of Apostolic 2.0) and releasing them to do what they believe God has called them to do. Thanks Daddy, Apostle Axel Sippach For the Love I receive daily from you as a Father.
Thapelo Kgabe

Being a part of the EPIC Global Network as son of Apostle Axel Sippach has truly been a tremendous privilege. I believe that the vision and direction of this network and its constituents are pivotal for influencing the culture of a modern society and propagating the mandate, message and mission of the Kingdom of God. I believe that Apostle Axel is a true apostolic grace with the heart of a true father in the faith. He has been instrumental in uncovering and providing language to the gift and grace that God has entrusted me with but has also welcomed me into a healthy apostolic and prophetic community that share a heart for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but also have a mind for the future. It has been a unique experience having many meaningful, mindful, spirit filled conversations and seeing the fruits of a such an anointed father and general in the faith. As an emerging voice, I think that is it of paramount importance to be guided, loved and nurtured by the apostolic gift of Apostle Axel that can impart a great deal of wisdom and grace to continue the good fight of faith, from generation to generation. My life has seen the fruits of being covered and cared for by this man of God and can attest to the many doors that have opened for me not just in ministry, but also professionally. I believe that my submission to a God ordained authority as created such an ease of the grace that is upon my life and has allowed me to continue in my pursuit to influence the mountain of Education and the Arts. It is comforting to know that my prophetic expression can operate in an accountable and integral relationship with Apostle Axel, which ultimately will ensure the longevity of the ministry God has given to be to fulfill. There is an extreme wisdom and love that he has shown to me as a father and a scholar that stewards the Word of God will such diligence and precision. I am truly blessed and fortunate to be a part of EPIC and to see other gifts and graces come into unity and grow under the leadership and guidance of Apostle Axel Sippach.
Prophet Chesney Palmer
EPIC Leader in South Africa